I'm so glad you're here!

I am so glad you are here! I’m Ashley, the creator of Faithfully Planted. I’m an Indiana girl who loves Jesus, summer nights, brunch dates with my husband, comfy sweatshirts and the feeling of finishing a good book.

My husband and I have been married for a decade and have 2 beautiful, spunky children. We have the privilege of serving in full-time ministry as the Young Adults Pastors at a church here in central Indiana. 

I’m also a proud military spouse, as my husband also serves part-time as a Chaplain in the United States Army Reserve.  

I have a heart for helping other women learn to plant deep roots in Christ and grow in their faith; I struggled for many years to achieve any kind of deep spiritual growth and I have a passion for helping other women who may be struggling too. You are not alone.

I was exposed to Christianity and to Jesus many times as a child and a teenager and believed that God was real, but could never fully grasp that He could love someone as broken and “ruined” as I believed I was. I grew up with a lot of brokenness and hurt around me and it seemed that chaos and instability were all I ever knew. Even when I made strides forward and began to trust again, I never truly understood how to grow in my faith and I stayed immature and undernourished; I was never able to put down deep roots and I was blown over by the world time and time again.

It wasn’t until just a few years ago that I began to understand the character of Christ and the depth of how much He loves me despite my shortcomings, failures and selfishness. I finally learned how to let the Holy Spirit lead,  pray genuinely, discern authentic Christian love, seek out and create community and dig deep into scripture for myself. When that happened, it was like I put on glasses after years of poor vision.

By no means have I perfected living a life for Christ; I still make mistakes but the difference is, now I am growing and learning from them instead. I felt God leading me to share my trials and errors with other women so they too might cultivate a deeply rooted life and thus, Faithfully Planted was born.

While I also have much to learn and room to grow, I hope you would come along on this journey with me. My hope and prayer is for women of this age to be so deeply planted in Christ that nothing in this world can uproot them.

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