Christ-Centered Womanhood

  • How to Study The Bible: An In-Depth Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners

    What is the Bible?  The Bible is a cohesive set of books, stories, poems, prophecies, historical narratives, and letters inspired by God and written by humans for humans.  Put very simply, the Bible is the Word of God. The Bible is God speaking directly to His creation. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 tells us that, “all Scripture […]


  • Bible verses anxiety and fear

    35 Powerful Bible Verses On Anxiety and Fear

    If you struggle with anxiety or fear, you are not alone. Though we have Jesus living within us, Christians are not immune to the struggles of our fallen world. Anxiety, depression, suffering, and fear are things all humans struggle with. Some struggle more or less than others. Some face adversity more or less than others. […]


  • How to Choose an English Bible Translation: Your Ultimate Guide

    Which Bible translation is most accurate? Which translation of the Bible is best for you to read? These are questions that many Christians have when they dive into reading the Bible. It’s the most basic thing we need to know: what Bible translation should I read? Which Bible should I buy? With so many options […]


  • Resource Round-Up for Anti-Racism and Racial Reconciliation

    Racism and Christianity do not mix. We cannot hold love for Jesus and hatred for any of His children in the same heart. In this article, I’ve rounded up just a fraction of the resources that are out there for us to do the deep work of uprooting the sin of racism in our own hearts, our communities, and our churches.


  • How to Create a Bible Study Routine

    Do you want to create a Bible study habit but aren’t sure where to start? Have you tried other plans with no luck? Click here to learn how to create a regular Bible study routine that sticks!


  • 7 Simple Tips to Find God’s Peace in Times of Crisis

    Are you struggling to find the kind of peace God’s word promises? Are you in the midst of a crisis, or feeling overwhelmed by anxiety and a chaotic environment? Are you struggling with grim news at every turn about the state of the world or your community? If so, you are not alone. We all […]


  • photo of living room for blog post about glorifying God with your home

    How to Glorify God With Your Home

    Have you ever wondered what being a homemaker is really about? Do you want to learn how to glorify God with your home? It is more than just dishes and laundry. Click here to learn more!