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  1. So much yes!! Number 10 is my favorite. I learned that I could not say I did not have time to get in the Word, I was choosing to not make time to get in the word.

  2. I definitely struggle with reading the Word with the lie of “I don’t have the time”. I know that I do have the time, I just let other things occupy it. Thank you for this post and the great tips!

    1. Liz, thank you for your kind words! You are SO right. When we learn to say no, it’s amazing all the time we can find! Blessings to you as well 🙂

  3. Thank you. I’m a single mom in school full time and life is crazy! These are great suggestions and reminders. I’m sharing to my facebook page (Seeking Sabbath).

  4. Good Suggestions. Some go deeper than others and that’s good. Everyone needs to start somewhere. If a person is not spending time in God’s Word, they surely can implement at least one (and possible more) of your ten suggestions.

  5. I can relate to what you’ve shared here. I, too, prefer long, uninterrupted, quiet times with my Bible and journal open. It’s tempting to “wait until that opportunity happens”. But in my current season of life, those times are not as frequent as I’d like. I have to make time to get in the Word, even if it doesn’t look like my ideal. And it’s so worth it! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Jana! Oh yes, I have wasted a lot of opportunities to get into God’s Word because I thought it had to be my ideal situation. It doesn’t! You are so right, it is worth it even if it looks different! So glad this encouraged you 🙂

    1. Hi Joy! You are absolutely right! I love to listen to my audio Bible and then read the passage or devotional over it. I remember it so much better if I listen to it first! Great point!

  6. All great tips!!! I especially love how you recommend to watch some sermons you may have missed at your church. That is a great way to always stay united and on track with your specific church in the word of God. I also love the tip to follow encouraging social media accounts. I usually get very encouraged and motivated at that moment when I see a inspiring post to be in my word or that gives a small devo.

    1. Hi Carmen! Thanks so much for your feedback. Following encouraging accounts on social media is SO helpful for me too, I so appreciate other women using their platform to point us to the Word. Amen!

  7. I love this post!!! Especially number 10. I am such a perfectionist — I have to check off every little task every day, and doing my Jesus time became just another task to check off instead of an intentional, restorative time with The Lord. Thanks for sharing this sweet reminder! 🙂

    1. Hi Sydney! Thank you for your kind words! That is so easy to do and I definitely catch myself falling into that to-do list trap as well! It is so much more than that! Bless you, Sydney!

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