Bible Study Resources
TOOLS + guides WE LOVE

My Favorite Journaling Bible
This is my personal Bible that I use every day. It is the ESV Single Column Journaling Bible with a gorgeous cover from their artist series. There is plenty of room to write in the margins or create art within the pages of your Bible.
The Best Bible Highlighters
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These gel Bible highlighters come in beautiful colors and do not bleed through thin Bible pages. I personally use these highlighters in my own Bible and have a set for years and they are still going strong.

Gorgeous Scripture Writing Journals
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If you want to inscribe the Bible into your heart and mind, the best way to do that is Scripture writing. These beautiful journals guide you through writing Scriptures based on your topic of choice, from contentment to identity to the fruit of the Spirit.
These journals also make wonderful gifts and are perfect for women in busy seasons like college students or new moms.
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Our Favorite Study Tools
Bibles & study resources
Dictionaries & Concordances
The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge by Thomas Nelson
Eerdman Dictionary of the Bible by David Noel Freedman
Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary by Chad Brand & Eric Mitchell
Strong’s Concordance (Updated) by James Strong
NIV Exhaustive BIble Concordance by John Kohlenberg
How to Read The Bible Book-by-Book by Fee & Stuart
Baker Illustrated Bible Background Commentary by Duvall & Hayes
The Moody Bible Commentary by Moody Faculty
The MacArthur Bible Commentary by John MacArthur
Bible Knowledge Commentary by Walvoord & Zuck
Free online study resources
Blue Letter Bible
Blue Letter Bible is a free online reference library housing Bible commentaries, reading plans, dictionaries, and more. I use this resource in my personal Bible study.
Study Light is an online ministry that provides Bible references and resource tools, including commentaries, dictionaries, concordances, and a handy Hebrew and Greek word search function.
Bible Hub is another free online BIble study tool. I use this resource to easily find cross-references and utilize the dictionary and concordance features. This tool. also features lexicons and Greek/Hebrew dictionaries.
Bible Gateway
Bible Gateway is my favorite resource for easily reading passages in multiple translations and printing Scripture to annotate. It is the #1 way I quickly look up verses, and we often link to this site for our Scripture references.
Books for deeper learning
Knowing Scripture by R.C. Sproul
In this expanded edition of Knowing Scripture, R. C. Sproul helps us dig out the meaning of Scripture for ourselves. The author says, “The theme of this book is not how to read the Bible but how to study the Bible.” He presents in simple, basic terms a commonsense approach to studying Scripture and gives eleven practical guidelines for biblical interpretation and applying what we learn.
How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth by Stuart & Fee
In clear, simple language, How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth helps you accurately understand the different parts of the Bible—their meaning for ancient audiences and their implications for you today—so you can uncover the inexhaustible wealth of God’s Word.
Women of the Word by Jen Wilkin
Women of the Word has helped countless women with a clear and concise plan they can use every time they open their Bible. This book will equip you to engage God’s word in a way that trains your mind and transforms your heart.
The Drama of Scripture by Bartholomew & Goheen
This bestselling textbook surveys the grand narrative of the Bible, demonstrating how the biblical story forms the foundation of a Christian worldview.
Grasping God’s Word by Duvall & Hayes
This book will equip you with a five-step Interpretive Journey that will help you make sense of any passage in the Bible. It will also guide you through all the different genres found in the Bible to help you learn the specifics of how to approach each one best.
An Introduction to Biblical Interpretation by Klein, Blomberg & Hubbard
This bestselling hermeneutics textbook sets concise, logical, and practical guidelines for discovering the truth in God’s Word.
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