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  1. First off, I love that book by Beth Moore. Her words could not speak more truth. I have definitely caught myself using every single one of the reasons you listed as an excuse for myself not to fill my cup up of Jesus in the morning. Thanks for this sweet encouragement!

  2. well….. you got me. It was one I felt but couldn’t bring to light. I use quick Bible studies through the bible app and I haven’t opened my actual bible in a while….. I mean they are great, but short and I usually buz through them as quickly as possible without really dwelling or applying. Thanks for the much needed push to really spend actual TIME with God. <3

    1. Tesse, you are SO welcome! It seems like so much work to our flesh but it is vital to our Spirit, Amen? You are not the only one who struggles with this!

  3. We have the exact same Bible, and I have a VERY similar post that just launched today. Haha. That’s awesome!
    I appreciate that you distinguish between Bible study and devotionals. Both are good, but they are two separate things!

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