10 Encouraging Books for Christian Women

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I love reading books for Christian women, by Christian women. While they cannot replace scripture, the words of other wise women can certainly guide us to grow in our relationships with Christ.
I believe strongly in the pursuit of consuming faith-building stories. So, I have rounded up 10 incredible books, all written by strong Christian women.
Each book here speaks wisdom that is rooted in the truth of God’s Word. Anyone of them would be a blessing to you, friend.
They are in no particular order, but here are my picks for this post, 10 Encouraging Books For Christian Women. Pin it for later and come back as you read through each one!
Cultivate by Lara Casey
Lara Casey is the founder of the Cultivate What Matters Shop and the iconic goal planner called PowerSheets. She also founded Southern Weddings Magazine. Basically, she is a boss. And a lovely, encouraging Christian woman. Her book, Cultivate: A Grace-Filled Guide For Growing An Intentional Life is full of wisdom, grace & garden metaphors.
She gives you all the tools you need to cultivate what matters in your life and weed out all the things that are stifling your growth. As a woman who writes to help women plant deep roots in Christ, I had to recommend this book first.
In this book, Lara uses her personal experiences in her garden and the Truth of God’s Word to tell women they don’t have to do it all. They can’t do everything well, but they can choose to cultivate what really matters in their life.
If you want to simplify your life and focus on growing real fruit, give this one a read.
Audacious by Beth Moore
About a year ago, I read through this book with a group of women at a Bible study.
Beth Moore has written many books, but this one dives deep into the missing link for so many women when it comes to their spiritual growth. She uses scripture and personal stories to point you back to your first real love, Jesus.
The most pivotal lesson I gleaned from this book was turning my needs into wants. Her writing is humorous and genuine and her love for Christ pours out from the pages. If you want to grow in audacious love for Christ, grab this book.
Captivating by John & Staci Eldridge
God created women unique from men; not in value but in heart, desire and emotion. Women and men are created equal, but with fundamental differences in our core. Staci Eldridge reminds women that they are not inferior beings but are cherished, loved, wanted, and uniquely crafted by their Heavenly Father.
This book will help to point you to the healer of wounds and the creator of your deepest desires. It is incredibly transparent, honest and empowering to read.
They use scriptural truths and personal examples to point women to the Truth of their creation and the beauty of the Gospel. Men or women will enjoy this read, as it helps to bring insights into the heart of women.
On that note, women will also benefit from reading the male-centered version by John Eldridge, Wild At Heart.
Women of the Word by Jen Wilkin
In this book, Jen walks women through how to study the Bible for themselves with prayer, patience, persistence, and understanding. She reminds us that the foundation of our faith that is built on the Truth of God’s Word.
If you want to learn to love the Word of God and know Him, this is the book for you. It is no frills and full of wisdom and sound method for digging deeply into Scripture for yourself.
While I don’t agree with every word written in this book, it is still full of truth and a great tool for anyone who wants to become a woman of the Word.
Fervent by Priscilla Shirer
We are all fighting an incredibly cunning enemy that knows how to target our weaknesses and how to make us believe his lies. Priscilla Shirer walks us through how to fight back just as specifically as we are attacked through the power of prayer.
She begins with an overview of prayer itself and then covers the 9 areas she believes we need to be victoriously covering in prayer. If you want to learn to pray ferociously, with confidence and fervor, this book is for you.
This book is incredibly practical and well-worth any woman’s time and money. If you want to become a prayer warrior for God’s kingdom, this is your book.
The Road Back to You by Ian Morgan Cron & Suzanne Stabile
I read this book earlier this year after I first discovered the Enneagram. I have a degree in Psychology and the patterns of human behavior and thinking fascinate me.
This book goes into depth on each of the 9 Enneagram types so you can learn more about your own inner workings, along with the deepest desires and fears of the other types. I love the Enneagram because it’s focus is on learning the whole system and not just your type.
If you don’t understand the whole system, you won’t fully understand your own.
The purpose of the Enneagram (& this book) is to show you the deepest recesses of the self you don’t see and help you to grow as a person. Its intent is to make you self-aware so that you can work on your flaws and become a more Christ-like version of who you really are.
RELATED: How the Enneagram Improved My Marriage
Without Rival by Lisa Bevere
We live in a world that tells us it is every woman for herself and that competition and rivalry is healthy. But in reality, we are stronger together. We have no rivalry when it comes to God’s love and His purpose for our lives. There is room in His Kingdom for every fearfully and wonderfully made woman.
The noise of this world is loud and this book helps us to tune it out and take hold of our true identity as daughters of Christ. So many of us fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to other women. We believe the lie that we aren’t pretty enough, strong enough, charming enough or what-have-you.
If we are looking to others to gauge our progress, we’re looking in the wrong place. In this book, Lisa reminds us there is no need for us to compare ourselves because we are each uniquely created for a specific purpose. If you want to beat the comparison game, this book is for you.
Into the Deep by Lauren Gaskill
This book is newly released and was written by a friend of mine. A few years ago, she was diagnosed with an incurable disorder that has caused her jaw to degenerate. She is the picture of living a courageous faith.
In this book, she calls each of us to dig deep and create a strong faith so that we might survive the tumultuous waters of this life. She points us to the ultimate hope for our battles, Jesus, and how to call on him when we are struggling to stay above water. He is our lifeline and our strength in difficult times. She points us to this truth over and over in the pages of this book.
If you want to build the confidence and boldness to step into your life with courageous faith, this book is for you.
Present Over Perfect by Shauna Neiquist
This book spoke so deeply to my Type-A, exhausted and over-extended soul. Shauna tells women to slow down their lives and focus on what is important: deep, authentic connection with the people you love. Her words helped me to reclaim slowness and rest in my life and it can do the same for you.
When we let the pressure to perform overwhelm us, we will find ourselves overworked, frantic and unfulfilled in this life. Using her personal growth story, she points us to a more restful way to live. Soaking in grace, stillness, prayer, and silence.
While this book may not resonate with everyone, it resonated with me. If you’re looking for a story about trading tired in for tranquil, this book is for you.
When God Doesn’t Fix It by Laura Story
This book is a beautiful reminder that God is still good even if our miracles never come. Her husband was diagnosed with a brain tumor just a few years into their marriage. While he survived a risky brain surgery, he lives with disabilities from his illness.
Through their story, Laura shows us what it looks like to trust God in the midst of suffering and how He uses our brokenness for His glory. She shows us what it looks like to stand strong in faith when it seems like our prayers aren’t’ being answered.
Sometimes trials aren’t just a road to somewhere better, they are the path. This book is an inspiration. It is a must-read for any woman who loves God and wants to learn what it means to know God alone is enough.
I hope this list of books for Christian women helps you to pick your next bookshelf blessing!
*This post will get updated as I expand my library and read even more books!
Are there any other books for Christian women that you would add to the list? Have you read any of these before? Tell me in the comments!
I love this list! I have half of these books! Great minds think alike! Can’t wait to get the others. Thank you! God bless!
Hi Tammy! Wow, we have great taste 😉 I’m sure the other half will bless you. Thanks for stopping by!
I love that you chose some “tried and true” instead of “trendy” titles for us to read. You put me in the mood to curl up with a blanket and book today!
Yes girl! Tried and true over trendy is what I’m all about 🙂 Curling up with a blanket and a book is my favorite mood! Thanks so much for stopping by.
Great list! I’ll definitely be checking some of these out!
Thanks for stopping by Carmen! I hope these reads bless you 🙂
So many great books in this list! I’m reading Into the Deep currently.
YES! Into the Deep was actually written by a friend of mine! I met her in college and it has been so lovely to see the Lord work in her life. I know her words will bless many <3
I have read a few of these books and will def check out the others. I really love Beth Moore and her teachings. Thanks for sharing this list!
Hi Ivanna! I’m so glad you’ve got some new titles to check out, I pray they bless your soul, friend! Thanks for stopping by.
Love some of these- I need to check into a few others, they look awesome! I just read “Keeping Tally” by Christy Duncan. It is amazing!
I haven’t heard of that one before! I just might have to check it out myself 🙂 Thanks, Danell!
Great post! Can’t wait to get started on this list. Can never have enough Christian books! Thanks!