Devotionals Vs. Bible Study: Why They Are Not The Same Thing
Have you ever wondered what the difference is between devotionals and personal Bible study? Is one better than the other? Click here to read and find out!
Have you ever wondered what the difference is between devotionals and personal Bible study? Is one better than the other? Click here to read and find out!
Are you struggling to find the kind of peace God’s word promises? Are you in the midst of a crisis, or feeling overwhelmed by anxiety and a chaotic environment? Are you struggling with grim news at every turn about the state of the world or your community? If so, you are not alone. We all…
How do you find hope and healing after a miscarriage? How do you cope with pregnancy loss? Click here to read my story and what helped me grieve the loss of my baby and what might help you.
Have you ever wondered what being a homemaker is really about? Do you want to learn how to glorify God with your home? It is more than just dishes and laundry. Click here to learn more!
Do you struggle with fear and anxiety? You are not alone. Click here to read how Christian women can battle fear and anxiety with the tools provided by God, including prayer, Scripture and asking for help.
Memorizing scripture is a common theme in most Christian circles. But have you ever given thought to why this discipline matters to your relationship with Jesus? Why do we spend so much time in Sunday school memorizing verses for candy? Has anyone ever explained why this practice is so important? I didn’t give it much…
Have you struggled to understand how to obey the command to forgive others? Click here to learn about what Biblical forgiveness looks like.
Have you ever read the Bible in a year? Or do you want to add that to your goals for next year? Reading the Bible in a year is a common goal for Christians. Many churches and ministries do this reading plan and there are a variety of ways to do it. All kinds of…
Do you make New Year’s Resolutions only to give up on them a few weeks later? Click here to read why I no longer make resolutions and what works instead.
The Bible calls us to be courageous and without fear. However, that can be easier said than done. Blessing lives on the other side of obedience and to receive it, sometimes we have to put away our pride and step out in faith. Katie of The Joyfully Imperfect shares a beautiful story from her friend with us that will remind us what blessings our pride can rob us of. Read more here!