Scripture Writing Made Easy: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners

I am a huge advocate of studying the Bible in context and reading complete books and chapters. However, I also know how encouraging and powerful meditating on a single Scripture can be.
In my current season (2025) time is something I am short on.
I have little kids at home, my husband and I are in full-time vocational ministry, and he serves as an Army Reserve Chaplain. Our home church has a lot of events, and serving in young adult ministry means lots of evenings.
I am often solo-parenting our two spunky kids and taking care of our home by myself (while also running this ministry in my “free” time).
I understand struggling to find time to read the Bible.
I understand that not everyone has the time or capacity for hours-long Bible study every day. What we do all have, though, is a few minutes for a single Scripture passage or small devotion.
In seasons where you need to survive on breadcrumbs, DO THAT because it is far better than starving yourself of spiritual food altogether.
Recently, I started a devotional study specifically for this season of motherhood. The very first verse given to memorize was 2 Corinthians 12:19, which says,
“ But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”
I have taken that one verse and meditated on it daily. I have made it my prayer.
Lord, may your power overcome my weakness. May I boast of my shortcomings so you can be glorified. Show my children your goodness through my mistakes and how I handle them. Please help me to rest in your grace, which is sufficient for today. Amen.
Just one verse can be all you need.

What is Scripture Writing?
Scripture writing is a simple but powerful Bible study method that focuses on physically writing out Scripture to engage more deeply with God’s Word.
What are the benefits of Scripture Writing?
- Consistency – Engaging with the Bible daily is a challenge for many Christian women. Scripture writing is an easy, low-effort way to regularly build the habit of being in God’s Word.
- Retention– When you write out Scripture, your brain engages more fully with what you’re learning. Using multiple senses (reading, writing, seeing) deepens memory and recall, making it easier to remember Scripture.
- Connection– Writing Scripture fosters a stronger connection to the Bible. Many people say they see new insights when they write and journal verses rather than just reading them.
- Creativity– Scripture writing isn’t just copying words on a page—it can be an artistic, meditative process. You can decorate your pages, use different handwriting styles, highlight key words, or even illustrate verses. This increases connection and retention with the Bible even further, firing both the right (visual) and left (lingual) sides of your brain.
- Accessibility– Not everyone can commit to in-depth Bible study daily, and that’s okay. Many people feel intimidated by the Bible, but Scripture writing is an easy, welcoming starting point that builds a hunger for more.
- Relaxation– In our fast-paced, overstimulated world, taking the time to slow down and handwrite Scripture is a calming, grounding practice. It helps us focus, reduces stress, and brings peace to our minds and hearts.
How to Get Started Writing Scripture
Step One: Choose your verse(s)
There are many ways to select Scriptures for writing:
- Use a Scripture writing plan (these are usually topical).
- Pick one verse from your daily Bible reading.
- Search for verses on a specific topic you want to study.
- Use a pre-made Scripture Writing Journal.
- Write out an entire chapter or book of the Bible over time.
If you’re new to Scripture writing, start with a simple plan—just pick a verse and begin!
Scriptures to get you started:
Step Two: Grab a Notebook or Scripture Writing Journal
Once you’ve chosen your verse(s), you’ll need something to write them in:
- A special notebook or Scripture Writing Journal
- A printable template or digital journal
- Sticky notes, planner pages, or index cards
- GoodNotes or Procreate on your Ipad
You’ll also want a pen you love to write with. Bonus: use colored pens, highlighters, stickers, or artistic lettering to make it more fun and engaging.
That is the fun and beauty of Scripture writing-the creative possibilities are endless.
Step Three: Write out Your Scripture
When I first heard of Scripture writing, I pictured a kid writing lines on a chalkboard as punishment:
“I will not push my friends. I will not push my friends.”
I thought it was just writing the same verse over and over again until it stuck.
But it’s so much more than that.
Here are creative ways to engage with Scripture writing
- Journal your verses in a notebook or Scripture writing journal
- Write out your verses on Post-It notes
- Use a Scripture Memory Journal
- Write Them On Your Calendar or in your daily planner
- Use Your Creativity (explore color, templates, pictures, etc., to decorate the Scripture.)
- Use a Digital Note app like GoodNotes
Once you have gathered your verses, start writing them out using one (or more) of the ways listed above. Most people focus on 1-2 Scriptures, but others like to write out their entire reading for that day!
How you choose to write your verses is up to you. Just get writing!
Tips to Get the Most out of Scripture Writing
#1. Read Your Verses in Context
Scripture writing is often just a couple of verses. Reading those verses in isolation makes it easier to take God’s Word out of context and misunderstand and misapply.
As you are writing your Scriptures, be sure to read the chapter that they come from so you understand the context of your verses.
#2. Stay Consistent
Scripture writing is most effective when done consistently.
Just like with any discipline, the muscle grows over time with repeated exercise. You do not get stronger by lifting weights once every few weeks or running once every other month.
Any Scripture is certainly better than no Scripture, but for the Word of God to plant deep roots in our hearts, we must engage regularly.
Ideally, this would be daily. With Scripture Writing, this is a very attainable goal!
#3. Let Go of Perfection
I don’t know about you, but I often struggle to try new things because I know I won’t be good at them or I can’t do it under ideal circumstances every time.
I am speaking to myself here as much as you, friend, but the idol of perfection is a weed that will choke out our growth in Jesus if we do not prune it out. Perfectionism is rooted in pride, and pride will certainly keep us from the blessing God has for us if we let it.
So do it imperfectly. Write your Scriptures with bad handwriting and smudges. Pull out an old notebook instead of waiting to find the perfect shiny new one.
Final Thoughts: The Power of Writing Scripture
Scripture writing is a simple but powerful way to stay connected to God’s Word, no matter what season of life you’re in. Whether you have five minutes or fifty, the act of writing, reflecting, and meditating on Scripture can transform your heart and mind.
Remember, perfection isn’t the goal—consistency is.
Some days, you might have time to decorate a page with colors and creativity. Other days, you may only have a spare moment to jot down a verse on a sticky note. Both are meaningful.
If you’re in a busy season where deep Bible study feels overwhelming, don’t let that stop you from spending time in God’s Word. Even one verse a day can bring encouragement, peace, and spiritual growth.
So grab a notebook, pick a verse, and start writing. Let God’s Word take root in your heart, one Scripture at a time.
Now, I’d love to hear from you! Have you ever tried Scripture writing? What’s your favorite verse to meditate on? Share in the comments—I’d love to chat with you!
Your Sister In Christ,