10 Life-Changing Spiritual Goals to Grow Your Faith in 2025
Are you looking to set spiritual goals for your faith in 2025?
One of the benefits of setting spiritual goals is the ability to track your growth and visually see what God is doing in your life over a year.
The best way to set spiritual goals for the next year is to take inventory of where you are now. Before choosing a goal to focus on, ask yourself how you are doing currently in that category.
This will help you to focus and prioritize your spiritual goals. You cannot do everything at once!
Maybe you want to focus on reading the Bible every day or praying for others out loud or finally take a step of faith and become a small group leader.
Set the goal, figure out what you need to do to achieve it, and watch your growth in your faith explode this year.
If you want a tool to help you do this planning, my favorite tool is the Powersheets Goal Planner. I use it myself and it has made by a wonderful Christian company! Use code faithfullyplanted for an additional 10% off!
Tips for Success With Your Spiritual Goals for 2025
- Set goals for the year, but make action plans for the quarter or month. You may have a lot you want to accomplish in 2025, but choose 1-2 to focus on at the beginning of the year and assign the others to another quarter.
- Before you commit to a goal, ask yourself where your capacity and capabilities are. If you set a goal to read the entire Bible in 2025 but you are not reading it at all right now, that goal may not suit your capacity.
- Remind yourself that goal setting is about making progress, not seeking perfection. You may not reach all of your goals this year, but if you get to the end of the year and you have made progress, that is still successful.
So, if you need some ideas for brainstorming your spiritual goals for 2025, here are 10 categories to focus on this year.
1. Bible Reading Goals
The most important spiritual goal you could set in the New Year is to commit to engaging with God’s Word daily.
Notice, I did not say deep Bible study daily or spending hours reading. Scripture daily as a goal can look different for each person depending on their season of life.
Scripture daily could mean following a daily reading plan, using a daily devotional app, using an audio Bible app, or following an in-depth Bible study routine.
Having Scripture daily as the minimum for your goal allows you to do more when you can, but remain rooted in God’s Word even if it’s a verse or small devotion.
Once you have strengthened this muscle, you can increase the duration, intensity, and depth.
RELATED: 10 Simple Ways to Get Into The Bible Every Day
Here are some example Scripture goals you could set next year:
- Read at least one verse daily
- Listen to one chapter on the way to work
- 1 hour-deep Bible study ____ times per week
- Attend a weekly in-person Bible study
- Read through the whole Bible in a year
- Open my physical Bible daily
- Read Scripture before I grab my phone
2. Physical Stewardship
Spiritual goals related to physical health are all about stewarding the bodies we have been given with gratitude and joy. Physical goals are not about shame or comparison.
1 Corinthians 16:19-20 tells us,
“Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.”
While this verse originally addressed sexual immorality, the concept applies to all physical stewardship. Our bodies are where the Holy Spirit dwells and not only should we treat it with reverence by not engaging in sexual sin, but we should also care for our temple with how we eat, exercise, expose ourselves to the sun, etc.
So what are some examples of goals that will grow our stewardship of our physical health? This will depend on your current level of physical care, but if this is an area where you struggle, here are some ideas to get you started:
- Move my body for 30 minutes AT LEAST 3x per week (adapt the number for your lifestyle)
- Step outside first thing every morning for 5 minutes
- Try 1 new recipe every week (to reduce processed food consumption and increase whole food intake)
- Make 1 vegetable or fruit available at every meal
- Resist engaging in a restrictive diet for all of 2025
- Go on an outdoor walk at least 3x per week
- Read a book about whole-food nutrition
3. Practical Prayer Goals
Prayer is an essential spiritual discipline. I am positive we could all grow in this area in 2025.
Maybe you are not praying at all right now or you just want to expand this discipline in your life. Maybe you a prayer warrior and simply want to be more organized.
No matter where you are starting or how you want to grow, making prayer a priority in your goal-setting for next year will breed radical growth in your faith and life in 2025.
Here are some examples of prayer goals you can work towards next year:
- Read a book about prayer
- Begin utilizing a prayer journal
- Pray-pair with daily activities, such as school drop-off, cooking, folding laundry, etc.
- Pray with your household before sending everyone off to work, school, etc.
- Replace “I will pray for you” with “Can I pray with you now” either in person or via phone/video chat.
- Join my local church’s prayer team
- If offered, attend a local church prayer service weekly
- Learn to pray like Jesus (using the Lord’s Prayer)
- Learn to pray Scripture (like in this book, Praying the Bible by Donald Whitney)
4. Boundaries with Media Consumption
You may not think of boundaries with media as a spiritual goal, but anything that takes up our attention and time is a spiritual issue.
This area is going to be very personal for you, depending on your current media habits. For example, this is an area where I struggle, so my goals for this next year with media might look different from yours.
I know for my growth, I will need small incremental steps rather than extreme reduction.
Specifically, when it comes to our phones, many of us are addicted and are used to constant access to the internet and media available on it.
But maybe you struggle with spending too much time playing video games or reading inappropriate content in books.
- I will read only “clean” or “closed-door” books this year.
- I will not consume movies or TV that are rated R or above.
- I will commit to an “unplugged” day once a week (aka no social media, TV, or video games)
- My phone will be charged in the kitchen (or another room that isn’t your bedroom) every night
- Commit to a week-long media fast every quarter
- Limit video game play to 1-2 evenings per week
- Set screen time limits on my phone to ____ hours per day
5. Spiritual Disciplines Practice
Your spiritual goals for this coming year should include a focus on these spiritual disciplines.
Spiritual disciplines include things like Bible study and prayer, but there are other disciplines we should be engaging in regularly to help with our spiritual growth. These are solitude, fasting, Scripture memory, meditation, silence, and worship, among others.
- Memorize ___ # of Scriptures this year. (1 per week, 2 per month, etc.)
- Engage in a food fast of some kind at least once a month.
- Do a Bible study on fasting or worship
- Engage in weekly worship services. Commit to not being late so you don’t miss this part of your church service.
- Engage in personal worship at home daily (or ___ # of days per week).
- Commit to weekly time spent in solitude, completely alone with no distractions.
- Add a Christian meditation practice to your routine (weekly, daily, ___ # of days per week).
6. Church and Community Involvement
If you are not currently involved in a local church, you are missing out of the beautiful fruit of being part of an organized body of believers. Yes, church involvement can come with hardship. I know some of you are still hurting from the last church you saw as a home.
But choosing to keep the church at arm’s length to avoid pain is also robbing yourself of the blessing ofa church community.
If you are currently attending but not involved, make 2025 the year that you step out of the pews are start being the hands and feet of Jesus.
Here are some spiritual goal ideas for involvement in your church and community.
- Attend a local church weekly
- Join (or lead!) a local church small group this year
- Get involved in a team that serves in the local church
- Participate in (or sponsor) one mission trip in 2025
- Commit to sponsoring a family for Christmas 2025
- Serve as a family (monthly or quarterly) somewhere in your community
7. Mental Health/Personal Growth Goals
Mental, spiritual, and emotional health are so interconnected. It is unlikely that you can be unhealthy in one area, but healthy in the others. While we need to focus on our spiritual growth in 2025, it is also important to reflect and focus on areas of your personal growth and mental health, such as any anxiety, depression, fear, broken relationships, trauma, etc.
Growing in your spiritual disciplines will help in these areas, but just like you need prayer AND to see a doctor when you have cancer, you may also need specific help to heal mental and emotional issues. Very few physical ailments resolve on their own.
The same is true with our emotional and mental health.
- Search for a therapist (through referrals or checking with local churches for recommendations)
- Join a small group focused on freedom and healing curriculum
- Attend a support group (grief, addiction, etc.)
- Read a book on your specific area of growth
- Hire a life/discipleship coach
8. Financial Stewardship Goals
1 Timothy 6:10 tells us, “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.”
The Bible has a lot to say about money and that means we should be paying attention. If the Bible talks about something, that area of our live needs diligent stewardship.
We need to be very careful with our money, not because of future financial security (though that is certainly important), but because it is a huge source of temptation and strife for many people.
As our verse tells us, money itself is not evil but the love of it is.
Ultimately, any money we have been blessed with is God’s and we should treat it as someone else’s money we are managing. The antidote to greed is generosity.
Let us focus on stewarding our finances well in 2025 and being generous with what God has given us.
- If you are not already, commit to tithing to your local church in 2025.
- Commit to giving # number of percent above the 10% tithe.
- Choose to shop only secondhand in 2025 and purchase 0 new items.
- Create and stick to a budget (utilizing a software app like Monarch Money or the Ramsey+ app)
- Do a No Buy Month/Quarter/Year
- Limit eating out to 1x per week or less
- Declutter and fully organize 1 room per month
- Commit to saving X of dollars per week/month, etc.
- Take your money further and move these funds to a High Yield Savings Account. We use this one.
9. Marriage & Relationship Goals
One of the most important areas of our lives unfortunately often is the most neglected, and that is our marriages and families.
Our spiritual goals for this year should include our most important relationships. A lack of intention with our marriages and families is an issue of discipleship and spiritual health.
These relationships can so easily go into “autopilot” mode because they are not the crisis right in front of us. If we are not intentional about investing in these relationships, they will become the crisis.
- Set a weekly “intention” or date night aside
- Commit to weekly planning meetings
- Create phone-free zones/rules in your home
- Make a 30-second hug a non-negotiable part of your greeting and goodbyes
- Take up a mutual hobby
- Ask (and then do the thing) “What is one thing I can do for you to lighten your load?” at the beginning of each week
- Commit to praying out loud for each other daily/weekly, etc.
- Read a marriage devotional together
10. Recreation Goals
As we grow out of our childhood, play becomes less and less important to us. Often it is eradicated from our routines entirely. While we have far more responsibilities now than we did as children, play is still vitally important to our physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional health.
The further removed we get from our childhood the more trouble we have engaging in play. Due to outside messaging, it can feel childish to engage in play.
We see this often in the media. Adults who spend leisure time playing video games, board games, or organized recreational sports are often mocked for such interests.
However, engaging in play as adults often leads to better physical health, emotional, social and mental health as well as improved relationships and less stress.
Not all recreation goals need to involve board games, but maybe your goals for 2025 need to include making time for fun in your life.
- Set a reading goal for X number or pages or books
- Join a recreation league
- Start a game night with family or close friends
- Take a local class, such as painting, photography or cooking
- Commit to spending X number of hours outside (500 or 1000 are common goals for this)
- Start watching documentaries in place of movie night
I hope these goal ideas got you started with praying and reflecting on what areas you want to grow in this coming year.
Remember that your goals are not about perfection, but instead are about making progress every day toward becoming the person God has created you to be.
What spiritual goals are you setting for this year? Tell me in the comments!
I pray this blessed you, friend.
Your Sister In Christ,