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  1. Glad and grateful I stumbled upon your site.
    We almost had the same life story. I’ve working on my healing for a year now and I am grateful and happy for the positive changes happening to me.
    God is really good! I found everything in Him.
    Love, comfort, and care.
    Now, peace and happiness.

    1. May, I am never happy to hear someone has a similar story to mine but I am always glad to hear how God has worked in healed in the lives of women like me. You said it so well; God is really good. We find everything in Him! Amen!

  2. Thank you for sharing your story with such transparency. To hear about the power of God’s healing in your life is a blessing to my soul.

      1. I am 60 and I suffered with suppressed memories. I have been angry and depressed most of I have prayed for years to be delivered and often did therapy.I never gave up. I am exploring my childhood in therapy.My parents separated when I was very young. However,after my mom died my father visited me at law school. He told me my mom didn’t want my youngest brother and I. He told me that he wouldn’t let her use an IUD or get an abortion. He was sorry for the way my mom had treated me. I told him he should have let her abort me because my childhood was awful.

        For years I suffered from anxiety, depression, and anger but had no memory of most of the abuse. I knew I was angry, so angry.

        For now I just trust that God is with me, guiding me, and leading me.I pray that I can accept his will and to have a joyful heart.

        I am praying to remember and release the movies in love.

      2. Our redeemer and saviour lives through you Ashley keep sharing his miracle declare his goodness peace joy in the Holy Ghost power through transformation..I am going though my process I celebrate you warrior for Yahweh

  3. I can relate to your story in so many different ways. I am learning to forgive and let out of my abuser. Only God has the power to heal us from our suffering. Thank you for sharing your experience with us, it’s encouraging.

    1. Hello, Marie! Thank you so much for commenting. Forgiving and letting go of those who have hurt us is SO so hard, but God’s grace and strength in us are so sufficient. Praying for you as your work through that. Thank you for your encouragement!

  4. Thank you for sharing your story. I stumbled upon your page looking for articles about healing.

    I can relate to your story about trauma and healing. In high school, I joined a sorority and underwent initiation. It left scars on me. I am a work in progress in forgiving myself for the pain I allowed myself to endure. Not to mention, I disappointed my family. But more than the regret and the shame, I learned a really important lesson that my worth as a person will not depend on other people.

    Although years have already passed, It is only now that I am dealing with some of the negative emotions left. I already confessed to God, but somehow the pain is still there. Nonetheless, I believe God never left my side. Looking torward to the day that I am completely healed.

  5. Wow what a beauty for ashes testimony! Stumbled on this story as I’m preparing to speak to our churches youth group dealing with childhood trauma and what resting in the Lords loving arms and forgiving those that hurt us can do for us!
    Thank you for sharing your story for His Glory!

  6. Just as many women have experienced the same experiences in our lives as yours, we do get through it with God’s help. Just as God lead me to your site, I believe he guides us even when we are not in touch with him. I too was sexual abused as well as physically by my step father. Which lead to other men as I grew up. Forgiveness is hard but eventually came. Many ups and downs with lots of struggles throughout life till I finally turn my life completely over to God. As the song goes ” Jesus take the wheel”! I could write a book. Family and friends still have a little trouble with the different person they were use to being around. Thank God that person is not the person I am now. I am a retired hairstylist and listen to many women tell their story in my salon about abuse, and I continue to pray for them today. I am so grateful that through everything I have been through God was always there and knew that I would come out on the other side. He knew my journey and took care of me even when things were at their worst. THANK YOU JESUS!

  7. This was a powerful story and gives hope. My story is I was abuse by my mother mental physical emotional so i allowed men to abuse me and many marriages looked for love through a man an gratification. Became a Christian around 12 years of age my best years with God.I was rebellious towards God had a rough life. My children had it rough I was never forgiven for allowing my children to live with the father for three years was in a batter woman shelter. Had full custody and then came back after three years we had joint. I mess my life up my mother was abused and raped and lived in foster homes, so i forgive her for the abuse she kepts us and loved us the way she knew how. I married unbeliever’s believers vicious cycle strong holds genrational curses all the woman have done the same thing and the children. I want clarity and understanding and Go’s will for my life i’m tired i had one true love messed it up he’s married know. I need healing forgiveness and for me to forgive change.

  8. Hey, I’ve been sexually harassed in sleep by my most trusted uncle… And m trying to forgive me… My heart hurts and the trauma hits me.. Whenever I m sleeping and feel like someone’s don’t touch me.
    Not only that but they have been forcing me to marry a non believer then go abroad for studies and I’m only 19,i don’t want to be unequally yoked. I m serving Jesus! And ik he will heal me.. I wanted to get encouraged so I came across ur testimony.. It’s beautiful! Thank u for sharing it. It made me realize there are people who are suffering more than I m. And the verse u mentioned.. Is the verse God gave me this morning and m rejoiced after reading it.
    Keep me in ur prayers!

  9. i relate to your story too, i was molested for years by my brothers father. Learning to heal with God now

  10. Thank you for your testimony I too have been abused but tried hard to forgive but could not fully as there were horrific situations but I listened to a pastors message on forgiveness and some strong holds can only be uprooted through prayer and fastening though not done perfectly I asked God to give me a new heart he uprooted bitterness that was still hidden but it was a fight as I was bombarded with images by the enemy I kept saying father forgive them they know not what they do .This is what Jesus said on the cross. I started to heal and realised though what was done to me was damaging my sins are no worse than the perpetrators . When I came to understand that I thought my sins were less as I could never do that to anyone . Christ showed me how we have all fallen . It does not make it okay but forgiving someone can sometimes mean perpetrators will never admit their wrong doing . I am 51 years now but healing has been along process .I did not want to prayer for my parents but I do prayer for them now every day .

  11. I cried so much reading your story,revealed all the wounds that were crying for help and now by the grace of God I know them and my journey of healing has started. Thank you so much for sharing your story with people like us ,I’m only 21 years old but now I know by the help of the Holy spirit I have victory in Jesus.

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