Are you ready to get growing in your faith?

Then you are in the right place! Here you will find tools, resources and practical encouragement to challenge you to grow in your faith. Based on Jeremiah 17:8, the purpose of this place is to encourage women to grow maturity in Christ so they are without fear when trials come their way, they are not worried during difficult times, they are always flourishing and bearing fruit because they are deeply rooted in the true source of all joy, hope & peace: Jesus!

Hey hey! I’m so glad you are here!

Hi friend! 

I’m Ashley, the creator of Faithfully Planted. I’m an Indiana girl who loves Jesus, summer nights, brunch dates with my husband, comfy sweatshirts and the feeling of finishing a good book.

I am passionate about teaching women how to grow deeper in their walk with Christ and learn to practically apply Biblical principles to their lives.

Where Do You Wanna Grow?