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  1. Hi Ashley. For the last several weeks, I believe JESUS has been leading me away from my many versions of the Word to the KJV. My husband has been in one version all his life, and by asking one question:( are we truly reading Jesus’s words, or are we reading someONE’s else’s rendition)? That’s number one project to find the answer. Secondly, I have been in Kay Arthur’s Precepts Bible study since 2008. In class this past November, I spoke out and admitted to everyone that after all these years, I can no longer do this study. I admitted that I write and write in our Precepts book (here it is:) just to show anyone sitting next to me that I have done my (very long) lesson for that week. But the truth was that I couldn’t remember one thing I had written! This had been going on all these years and my heart was sick I was getting nothing out of it! It’s time for a big change. I also admitted that I am a VISUAL LEARNER, And was a big reason learning God’s Word seemed impossible for me. I don’t learn from books and words. Surely God knows this? So now I’m pursuit some a visual way to study. I too am an INFJ, and thought you’d be a great one to ask. Please help!

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