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5 Common Bible Study Mistakes & How to Overcome Them
Learning how to read and study the Bible is a common struggle for a lot of Christian women. Biblical literacy in general is a major issue within the American church. Many of us are never taught exactly how to do more than follow a reading plan or listen to sermons. The Bible is full of…

How I Use My Journaling Bible for Deeper Study
Have you ever wondered why journaling Bibles are so popular? Do you have one, but aren’t sure what to write in the margins? In this post, I share my exact journaling method that helps me understand and connect with scripture. Click to learn more!

My Favorite Tools For Growing In Your Faith
Are you wanting to grow in your faith through Bible study and prayer? Do you want to grow close to your spouse and keep your marriage Christ-centered? In this post, I’ve rounded up my favorite tools for my own growth! Click here to see the tools I use regularly to encourage my own faith.

8 Tips for Better Bible Study
Studying scriputure doesn’t have to be confusing. You can learn how to dig deep into scriputure and apply it to your life. Get started here!