Bible Study

  • How to Study The Bible: An In-Depth Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners

    What is the Bible?  The Bible is a cohesive set of books, stories, poems, prophecies, historical narratives, and letters inspired by God and written by humans for humans.  Put very simply, the Bible is the Word of God. The Bible is God speaking directly to His creation. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 tells us that, “all Scripture […]


  • Bible verses anxiety and fear

    35 Powerful Bible Verses On Anxiety and Fear

    If you struggle with anxiety or fear, you are not alone. Though we have Jesus living within us, Christians are not immune to the struggles of our fallen world. Anxiety, depression, suffering, and fear are things all humans struggle with. Some struggle more or less than others. Some face adversity more or less than others. […]


  • How to Choose an English Bible Translation: Your Ultimate Guide

    Which Bible translation is most accurate? Which translation of the Bible is best for you to read? These are questions that many Christians have when they dive into reading the Bible. It’s the most basic thing we need to know: what Bible translation should I read? Which Bible should I buy? With so many options […]


  • How to Create a Bible Study Routine

    Do you want to create a Bible study habit but aren’t sure where to start? Have you tried other plans with no luck? Click here to learn how to create a regular Bible study routine that sticks!


  • The Importance of Meditating on & Memorizing Scripture

    Memorizing scripture is a common theme in most Christian circles. But have you ever given thought to why this discipline matters to your relationship with Jesus? Why do we spend so much time in Sunday school memorizing verses for candy? Has anyone ever explained why this practice is so important? I didn’t give it much […]


  • Why I Don’t Like Bible In A Year Reading Plans

    Have you ever read the Bible in a year? Or wanted to add that to your goals for next year? Especially around the end of the year, this topic comes up a lot in the online space and in Christian circles. There are all kinds of reading plans out there that take you through the […]


  • When Your Pride Keeps You From Your Blessing

    The Bible calls us to be courageous and without fear. However, that can be easier said than done. Blessing lives on the other side of obedience and to receive it, sometimes we have to put away our pride and step out in faith. Katie of The Joyfully Imperfect shares a beautiful story from her friend with us that will remind us what blessings our pride can rob us of. Read more here!