What Does It Mean to Have a Gentle, Quiet Spirit?

When my husband and I got engaged, I longed to build a strong, God-centered marriage.
Coming from a family where divorce was the norm, I felt both determined and unprepared. What did it mean to be a godly wife? What could I do to safeguard our marriage? I turned to books, blogs, and wedding planning resources—but most importantly, I turned to Scripture.
Some of the verses I have read were encouraging, and some of them were really scary to me. I felt like I did not know how to live them out. I read about Godly marriages and submission and studied the Proverbs 31 woman. T
he verse that concerned me was 1 Peter 3:4, which says:
“Instead, it [talking about your beauty] should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.”
Gentleness and quietness? That made me more nervous than the Proverbs 31 woman or even submission. Those words felt completely opposite of who I was.
Was I supposed to change my entire personality to be a godly wife?
If anyone in my life were to describe me in a few words, ‘gentle’ and ‘quiet’ would not be among their adjectives. Things like ‘witty’ ‘strong’ ‘independent’ or ‘outgoing’ would be more like it. So, a verse that calls me to be gentle and quiet made me feel inadequate; I felt like I could never live up to that, and what’s worse, I wasn’t sure I wanted to.

After studying further and reading more about this concept, I realized the reason for my anxiety was a lack of understanding, not a lack of ability.
But I let my anxiety get the best of me, and I began asking myself all sorts of questions. Doubt and insecurity began to bore their way into my heart and mind.
Does this mean I have to completely change who I am in order to be a Godly woman and wife?
Is my personality ugly to God? Do I talk too much? Am I too outgoing?
Yes & no.
God made me the person I am, with all of my quirks, strengths, and weaknesses. But, He also calls us to change and become more like Christ.
He made me loud and outgoing and talkative and welcoming to people. He knows this is me, and even more, He can absolutely use it for His Glory. For that to work though, I had to surrender those parts of myself to His will and His direction and let Him refine me.
Will marriage and getting closer to God change me for the better? Yes. But I do not have to do that changing before I can walk in His calling on my life.
After a lot of conversations with my now-husband about this fear of being the wrong kind of woman for marriage, the Holy Spirit spoke through him and helped me to conceptualize what it means to have a gentle and quiet spirit.
It has nothing to do with my personality and everything to do with my heart, my attitude, and my actions.
As my husband put it, it does not mean I have to stop being who I am. I did not have to talk less or quieter, essentially, holding “me” back from the world.
In fact, he reminded me that I already have a gentle and quiet spirit, and helped me see how I already exhibited the qualities I feared I couldn’t exemplify.
One of those examples occurred just a few months before he left for Basic Combat Training for the Army.
He had expressed interest in starting a home Bible study for the group of college kids at our church. There was a small college class there already that met during Wednesday night service, but he felt we needed more. He called me one night and excitedly told me all about his plan to host a college group and build community with them.
I listened as he walked me through all of his plans and then I responded by telling him how great I thought his heart for this was and how much I loved his enthusiasm for pouring into others.
But, then I gently pointed out a few of the complications we would run into if we moved forward with his plan, especially since he had just joined the National Guard and would leaving soon for 4 months.
I told him to consider them but ultimately I would enthusiastically support whatever decision he made, including giving up every Sunday night to be there with him and keeping it afloat while he was away. He told me later that I handled that beautifully. He was thankful for my insight because I pointed out things he was too excited and tunnel-visioned to think of on his own.
What I did not do was react by telling him that his idea was bad or interrupt him while he was talking with all my counter points. I didn’t just focus on the negatives without offering encouragement first. I was patient and listened intently while he spoke. I was gentle with my reaction and spoke the truth in love.
His recollection of that story was very different from mine, but his perspective led me to a wonderful realization.
We know so much more than we give ourselves credit for. So often we let the Enemy tell us lies about who we are, making us believe we aren’t good enough and can never live up to Biblical ideals like gentleness and quietness.
Doubt and fear keep us from seeing all that we already are in Christ.
Having and exhibiting the gentle and quiet spirit God has called us to have does not mean that you have to speak quietly and never voice your opinion and walk on eggshells.
In fact, God calls His people to speak boldly and proclaim His truth.
You can speak up, you can make an entrance, you can be bold for Christ.
Having a gentle and quiet spirit is nothing more than simply becoming more like Christ and humbly letting His work in your heart shine through to the world.
Sometimes as Christians we focus so much on what one specific verse is telling us that we lose sight of the big picture. We forget about other passages and the context
I certainly did that.
If our main goal is to have a more Christ-like spirit, everything else will fall into place. We will speak more gently to others, we will forgive more quickly, love more deeply and speak boldness at the right times, for the right reasons.
All through the Bible, God calls His children to be humble and put others before ourselves. This verse is no different and tells us that God finds a gentle, humble, obedient spirit to be of great beauty and worth. In order to achieve this kind of heart, we have to put ourselves and our own interests aside to serve a greater purpose.
A quiet and gentle Spirit is one of humility and immense love for other people. It means we do not stir up arguments for our own gain or fight anger with anger; a gentle, patient tongue is like water to a flame.
Your gentleness and tender love towards this world will speak much louder than the volume of your voice or the fervor behind your argument.
Gentleness is not weakness, as the world would have you believe. Restraint for the good of someone else is a strength; being slow to anger when the world would tell you your anger is justified is strength. We are responsible only for our own actions; we cannot control how someone treats us but what we can control is how we react.
Romans 12:18 says “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” (NIV)
To be at peace with everyone, especially those that try our patience, certainly requires a lot of humility and a lot of strength.
Being gentle and quiet in spirit really just means being obedient to God and His Word.
If we seek the Lord above all else, our spirits will become gentler and quieter, keeping peace with everyone, and we will become more and more beautiful in God’s sight.
What are some examples in your life where you have seen a gentle and quiet spirit on display? Is the Lord working on your heart in this area?
Your Sister In Christ,

Hi I just had this happen to me today I was at work and in the afternoons i usually have a cup of green tea. Well,, to my surprise, one of the guy co-workers here spilled salt in my water without me looking, and when I came to sip, it was full of salt. And yes i knew he had done this and I was very upset. But I kept quiet and prayed. I;m okay now but I`ll let God deal with him.
I am so sorry to hear that happened to you! Sometimes keeping quiet and praying for others who hurt is is the right thing to do. God is a much better judge and jury than we could ever be!
This article has helped me in my walk with God. I have better understanding in what he wants me to do with toxic people in my life. Thanks for being obedient to write about a gentle and quiet spirit because today I have been given strength to endure. The battle belongs to the Lord. He will calm the raging of the sea when the waves rises!!! Psalms 89:9
Thanks for your explanation of a quiet and gentle spirit. I am experiencing some not so nice things happening to me at my work place. I get angry, but the Holy Spirit is helping me with my reactions . By nature I am a quiet sociable person. This makes me a target. I say good morning when I walk into my department. No one says anything. This stings. Pray for me. Thanks.
Thank you Ashley for this beautiful and insightful blog post. I read this verse this morning and was pondering what it really meant to have a quiet and gentle spirit and how this affects my personality, but now it’s more about pleasing God and being obedient in our words and actions to others! God bless and thanks again!!
Thank you Annabel for sharing! I felt the same way when I read through it the first time. So glad you were encouraged!
I have been reflecting on a gentle and quiet spirit because like you I am talkative and strong. I really feel like God has laid on my heart that the opposite to gentle is violent and cruel in speech or action and the opposite to quiet is demanding, complaining and gossiping. I feel like he was speaking out against these particular attitudes which puts my mind at ease about what God is requiring of me. God bless, Kylee.
This is so good! Thank you!
Thank you soooo much……I could have written every word. Surely the Lord has used you. Thank you for allowing Him to speak to me, through you. Much love to you sister. ❤?
I totally agree with you, topic I’ve been struggling with. My partner told me not to laugh so loudly in Church. Our Pastor is very funny. Like the author quiet and gentle aren’t word that describe me either. Ive been praying to keep me from being so gabby. This article/author has been sent to me as well. Be blessed!
Thank you so much Ashley for sharing. Beautiful explained. Really helps alot. I thank God for using you to share this. May The Lord bless you and your work.
This is a verse I kind of understood but only in a vague way. I wasn’t sure if I understood correctly. This writing helped solidify my understanding and reassured me that I understood more than I realized. Thank you sweet, Sister!
Thank you for enlightening the true essence of a gentle & quiet spirit. God Bless?
Thank you so much for explaining this so well. God bless u for allowing yourself to be used by God this way. My husband has newly been called into ministry and I have been feeling so inadequate. I Was praying to God for grace this morning when the Lord gave me this verse to read. I was pondering over what it meant and decided to such on the internet for better understanding. Everything you spoke about is so on point for me. Now I am more confident that obeying God’s word is all it takes. I know He will work on me in order to use me for His glory. God bless u
Wow this really helped me to realize what a true gentle and quiet spirit was. I was so upset when I first read 1 Peter 3:3-4. I’m not a quiet person and don’t feel that I’m too gentle. I felt like to be someones wife I would have silent at all times and soft. This idea made me angry and also sad because I’m just not those things! After reading this I have realized that I am the way God created me, I can be loud and bold and who I’m meant to be, but I can also have a gentle and quiet spirit at the same time. I was actually moved to tears as I read this because I felt a weight was lifted. Thank you so much for writing this. God definitely used you through this article.
Thank you Ashley for this beautiful post !!!
I really enjoyed the insight you gave
May God bless you and your family ?
Whew! I really really need to be reminded of this today! Thank you for this encouragement. God bless you sis!
Hi it’s my desire to be like this for my husband and God.. I just have so mutch I have to deal with and at this stage I feel so alone
Ashley, thank you sooooo much for sharing this wisdom! I was literally swimming in anxiety because I too have a very vibrant personality. I like color in my clothing, and I don’t shy away from a challenge. I was so afraid that I would fail at being gentle and quiet.
Hey Ashley
Thank you for your’e article explaining about gentle and quiet spirit.What touches me when you said Letting His work in your’e heart shine through the world ???
Blessings ?
Thank you for that awesome testimony to God be the glory .
Thanks for letting God use you to write this article. I am in a quiet season and this article helped me see with Spiritual Eyes that I am in position according to His Will, not mine. It is not only taking others by shock but me, as well. I can hear from God more and an intimate relationship has been formed. Glory to God and continue His Work that is Blessing Others!
Really could use prayers in this area. Thanks for sharing.
Just what I needed to hear right now. I’ve been believing the lies of the enemy ever since I read this verse because in an outward sense, I’m anything but quiet and gentle. But after reading this article, it all suddenly makes sense. Thank you for being obedient to writing what was on your heart. Your obedience has blessed me and will continue to bless any woman who ends up on this page.❤️
I tried to send message but there is much blocking almost impossible to get through. Almost satanic.
Thank you Ashley, this helped me have a good grasp of the meek and quiet spirit. it is all about striving to be Christlike in our everyday life. Glory to be to God in the Name of our Lord Jesus for using you to unpack this for me.
Hello, this had amazing insight and truly shows what beauty is according to the bible, at least one aspect of beauty. I feel even as a man this is humbling and really makes you reflect. As a 7 on the enneagram, I felt your struggle of having a QUIET and gentle spirit. Quiet! Me? No, I think you nailed it. Thank you for this.
I cannot help but tears fall upon reading the statement “How does God look at me? Am I ugly? It is a no!”. Because He sees Jesus in me.